Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Update (1/20/2010 2:20 CST)

From Joe Knittig, live in Haiti:

While we were at the Hospital this a.m. the Lead Administrator and Doc had us leave with a little boy, orphaned, pulled from the rubble. We had to drive 2 hrs in a tap tap holding his IV bag. Barely hanging on. Don’t know his name or age. I think he’s about 4 – he’s about the same size as my little guy, Isaac. I consider today his birthday. Pray for him. Going back to the hospital to get more children orphaned by the disaster that the hospital has and cannot house. Many are injured. Doc Bill is going to be busy. Trace and Beth have arrived and are with me now. They’re like a breath of fresh air!

1 comment:

  1. Father God, thank you for sending help! Please give wisdom and guidance and strength to these who are caring for "the least of these"! Pour your Spirit into them. Amen.
