Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Renise Matters

Hello, GO Family. Many of you have been faithfully reading this blog since Jan. 12. You’ve become attached to these children, like Renise.

On Saturday, March 20, Renise gave birth to her little daughter, Kimberly. We’ve been mum about the events surrounding that day, and the amazing God story that continues to unfold. During a dicey time of uncertainty for us (not for God), we needed to just be quiet.

Now we’re sending a full Renise update that Trace penned. 

In the year before the earthquake, this little girl was sold into slavery by her parents; was sent back to her parents only to have her mother die in her arms; lived with her mother’s corpse; went back to her owners where she was sexually assaulted by 2 men at gunpoint; got fired from her slave work unworthy of even that; and was turned to the streets with a troubled pregnancy that would have taken her life. The earthquake freed Renise. Since January 12, she’s found a new hope in a most miraculous chain of events and the deep, daring love of others.

Guess where she’s at today? School. Her first day.

Hope. Love. Redemption. If you sometimes think these are words of mere bloated inspiration tossed about by preachers and politicians, consider Renise. The same God in her life is at work in yours. He can be trusted, even when the chips are down and we can’t understand.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed re-reading your story about Renise. I made the above image during our trip to the OTV in March 2010 with our group, Faith E-Free from Fort Collins, Colorado. Lord willing I'll be seeing Renise again and meeting her daughter for the first time in just about a month when we go back down. I can't wait. Keep up the great work and please, keep telling the stories.

    John B. Crane
